Thousands Join “Run for Gift of Life 3”

The sun wasn’t even out yet but a huge crowd had already gathered outside Robinsons Galleria Cebu on May 19, 2019. For the thousands who showed up, it wasn’t just a usual run. This one was for something truly important. Something that would affect the lives of not just a few, but thousands of people all over the world.

Run for Gift of Life 3

The third staging of the Citrineland Run for Gift of Life was held last May 19, 2019. Like the past 2 races, this year’s run was hugely successful. Thousands came to show their support for a project that has helped hundreds of children and their families since its inception more than a decade ago.

Participants of the 3K category getting ready for the 5:45 gun-start.

Gift of Life Program

The Gift of Life program was put together to help out children (from impoverished families) with serious heart conditions. Established more than a decade ago by the Rotary Club of Cebu, the project aims to not only reduce the mortality rate of children with CHD (congenital heart disease) but also to give these children and their family hope on a renewed life.

Officers of the Rotary Club of Cebu present the Run for Gift of Life 3 poster during the press conference held a week before the event.

The event also aims to spread awareness about Congenital Heart Disease and hopefully encourage those with friends or family members with this ailment to, in turn, encourage them to take advantage of this note-worthy project of the organization.

Rotary Club of Cebu

The Rotary Club of Cebu is the second oldest Rotary Club in the Philippines. Founded in 1933, this all-male club exists to better humanity. Members of the club are volunteers who work in the local, regional, and international level to make the world a better place to live in.

Some of the Rotary Club of Cebu’s main focus include world hunger, health and sanitation, education, career, and peace, among others.

Two of the patients who were successfully treated under the program were presented during the Run for Gift of Life 3 to share their story and to encourage others to

To know more about the Gift of Life program of the Rotary Club of Cebu, be sure to visit their official website HERE, and the organization’s Facebook page HERE.

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