KALIPAY by Winset Jacot: 5 Things to Know About this New Bisaya Single

In this time and age, getting seen and noticed has become pretty easy. With the help of social media, a simple video that you uploaded can unexpectedly go viral and make you an instant celebrity. Such was the case for Winset Jacot.
That doesn’t mean that things will go smooth-sailing from then on, however. In fact, the real deal hasn’t even started yet. The challenge begins after you catch everyone’s attention. How do you make another viral hit? How do you keep people interested? There is no surefire way of knowing. But you can bet your bottom dollar that to be able to succeed (again,) one key element must be present: talent.
Winset, who hails from Cagayan de Oro, was a finalist of Vispop 5.0. She, however, is more popularly known for her debut single Gugma Pa More, the song that propelled her to fame. The single, which now has 2 million views on Youtube, was used by the MOR regional network as their bed for an evening program. And her follow-up Kung Pwede Na, Kung Pwede Pa hit 1.3 million YouTube views just recently. Aside from having a unique voice quality (which helped her in racking up millions of hits on her personal Youtube channel,) she is also a talented writer, an instrumentalist (she can play at least 6 different musical instruments,) and is a nurse by profession.
Recently, Winset released another single that will surely become everyone’s favorite soon. Here are 5 things you need to know about her newest hit KALIPAY:

Kalipay – a New Single by Winset Jacot

Winset’s latest bisaya single, Kalipay, is a slight deviation from her two earlier singles as it explored her R&B roots and took on a more upbeat and merrier tune compared to the first two.

More Maoy Song Requests

Winset noted that when Kalipay was released, some of her followers asked her to write another pensive or maoy song as her next single. She quipped, “I guess they don’t want me to be happy!”

Simultaneous Video Shoots

Winset had to fly down to Cebu for the simultaneous shoot of the music videos of Kalipay and Mangamatay Ratang Tanan, her collab with viral artist Meunnie of May Man Ka Dhai.

A Challenging Shoot

The Kalipay shoot in particular was challenging as studio space for the dancers and camera crew was limited, and Winset wanted pink and blue hues. Above the Line’s in-house cinematographer Earl Yap worked closely with director-editor Anthony Vios Uy to pull off such a feat. And the final output is just awesome!

Kalipay by Winset Jacot on Myx

Kalipay proudly premiered on Myx Philippines, another item off Winset’s bucket list. She hasn’t rested on her laurels and looks to expand her horizons beyond the VisMin region. Perhaps a Tagalog song might be her breakthrough project to conquer the rest of the country.

Watch her other videos below:



To know more about Winset Jacot, follower her on Facebook and subscribe to Viva Records’ official Youtube Channel.

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