Convergys Launches Grandest Hugyaw Yet

To further cement its leadership and dominance as the biggest BPO in the country, Convergys launched earlier this month the Convergys Hugyaw 2017. Considered the biggest and the grandest BPO multi-event in Cebu, Hugyaw is a yearly gathering of all 8 Convergys Cebu sites.

This month-long event features various activities that not only aim to foster camaraderie and unity among its 13,000 Cebu employees but also give all employees a chance to showcase their special skills and hidden talents.

During the opening ceremonies held last April 30 at the University of Southern Philippines Foundation Lahug Campus, all 8 of Convergys’ Cebu sites came together to take part in such a momentous occasion.

Present during the opening program were Convergys employees from Cebu1, Cebu 2, Cebu i2, Cebu i3, Cebu5, Cebu TGU, Cebu Arcenas (Banawa,) and Cebu JCentre.

During the fun and truly colorful opening ceremony, Convergys Cebu executive leadership headed by Senior Director of Operations Alvin Laxa unveiled the calendar of activities for this year’s Hugyaw.

Convergys executive leadership posing for a photo as their respective teams cheer on.

 Convergys also gathered members of the local media for a round table at the Marco Polo Plaza Hotel in Lahug. During this intimate gathering, Convergys Cebu leadership bared their plans and answered questions from the media.

Among the many things discussed during the round table were the highlights of this year’s Hugyaw:

Sports Events and Activities

For the whole month of May, all 8 Convergys Cebu sites will take part in several sporting events like mixed volleyball and basketball at the University of Southern Philippines Foundation Lahug Campus. Song and dance competitions will also be held during the event.

Alternative Beauty Pageant

Leading each site during the Parade of Sites during the opening ceremonies were the representatives of Queen of Hugyaw. Queen of Hugyaw is an alternative beauty pageant that pits candidates against each other in a competition of grace, beauty, and talent.

Short Films Competition

Convergys will bring back one of this year’s most exciting Hugyaw events. The Short Films Competition, a competition that honors the best employee-produced short films, will showcase the acting, film-making, and editing skills of its participants. This year’s flicks will focus on the company’s values.

Outreach Programs

As part of its company promise, the month-long event will also include outreach activities that will not only help the less fortunate but also aid employees and the communities where they live. Some of Convergys’ most successful outreach programs include Give a Bag of Hope and Convergys Connects for Education.

Grand Culmination

At the end of the month, a grand and very special culmination event will be held. The event will feature family activities, costume plays, sing-offs, and lots of fun games for the whole family.

Mr. Laxa ended the round table with a fitting description of the Convergys Hugyaw:

“Hugyaw is one of the many ways by which we show our teamwork and appreciation for our employees. We want them to enjoy, share their passions, build camaraderie and memories of fun experiences in and out of the workplace. The vibrance and energy of Cebu is demonstrated in Hugyaw, and it is inspiring to see all our centers here as one united team, one solid Cebu family.”

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