The 2016 Globe Media Excellence Awards Wants You!
This year, entries that zero in on four sustainability focus areas such as care for the environment, innate care for the people, positive societal impact, and digital nation will take center stage.
Award Category: PRINT
Reporter of the Year for Print
- Must submit digital copies using the provided format (in PDF) of at most six (6) published articles within the search period.
- There is no minimum or maximum number of words per story.
- Scanned copies (either in PDF or JPEG) of the articles are required as proofs of publication.
- Should the scanned copies be unclear, the contender is required to send the hard copy of the published article via courier.
Explanatory/Investigative Story of the Year for Print
- Required to submit digital copies using the provided format (in PDF) of at most (3) published articles within the search period with a minimum of 1,200 words per story.
- Articles in series format are limited to three (3) parts only and are to be rated as one entry.
- Scanned copies (either in PDF or JPEG) of the articles are required as proofs of publication.
- Should the scanned copies be unclear, the contender is required to send the hard copy of the published article via courier.
Columnist of the Year
- Required to submit digital copies using the provided format (in PDF) of at most six (6) published articles within the search period.
- There is no minimum or maximum number of words per story.
- Scanned copies (either in PDF or JPEG) of the articles are required as proofs of publication.
- Should the scanned copies be unclear, the contender is required to send the hard copy of the published article via courier.
Photojournalist of the Year
- Required to submit digital copies (in JPEG) of at most six (6) published photos within the search period.
- Basic editing such as color enhancement is allowed given that the said editing does not affect the authenticity of the photos.
- Scanned copies (either in PDF or JPEG) of the published photos are required as proofs of publication.
- Should the scanned copies be unclear, the contender is required to send the hard copy of the published photo via courier.
Award Category: Broadcast
Reporter of the Year for Radio
- Required to submit digital recordings (in MP3) and the respective transcripts using the provided format (in PDF) of at most six (6) aired reports within the search period.
- There is no minimum or maximum length per report.
- Radio ads can be omitted.
- Certificates of airing are required as proofs of publication.
Public Affairs Story of the Year for Radio
- Required to submit digital recordings (in MP3) and the respective transcripts using the provided format (in PDF) of at most six (6) aired public affairs stories within the search period.
- There is no minimum or maximum length per story.
- Radio ads can be omitted.
- Certificates of airing are required as proofs of publication.
Reporter of the Year for TV
- Required to submit digital recordings (either in MP4 or AVI) and the respective transcripts using the provided format (in PDF) of at most six (6) aired reports within the search period.
- There is no minimum or maximum length per report.
- Commercial ads can be omitted.
- Certificates of airing are required as proofs of publication.
Explanatory/Investigative Story of the Year for TV
- Required to submit digital recordings (either in MP4 or AVI) and the respective transcripts using the provided format (in PDF) of at most six (6) aired reports within the search period.
- Reports in series format are limited to three (3) parts only and are to rated as one entry.
- There is no minimum or maximum length per report.
- Commercial ads can be omitted.
- Certificates of airing are required as proofs of publication.
Award Category: DIGITAL
Blogger of the Year
- Required to submit screen shots with URLs (either in PDF or JPEG) of at most ten (10) published blog posts within the search period.
- Blogs by participating contenders should already be existent since May 1, 2015 for Visayas and June 1, 2015 for Mindanao.
Social Media Advocate of the Year
- Each contender shall be required to submit screen shots with URLs (either in PDF or JPEG) of at most ten (10) published social media posts within the search period.
- For video entries, each contender is required to submit the uploaded video (either in MP4 or AVI).
- Social media accounts by participating contenders should already be existent since May 1, 2015 for Visayas and June 1, 2015 for Mindanao.
Social Media Campaign of the Year
- Can submit at most six (6) social media campaigns.
- The contender must establish that he/she is the proponent of the campaign.
- Social media accounts/pages by participating contenders should already be existent since May 1, 2015 for Visayas and June 1, 2015 for Mindanao.
- For each social media campaign, the contender is required to submit the following:
- (1) Campaign brief
- (2) Screen capture and URL of first social media post promoting/introducing the campaign
- (3) Screen capture and URL of campaign page/group, if any
- (4) Social Media Mileage Report (Number of shares, likes, retweets, favourites, comments, etc.) For the mileage report, you may only submit social media posts that fall within the search period. Those posted prior shall be disregarded.
- (5) Proof of Social Impact (i.e. actions by government officials and/or civilians in response to the campaign)
- Reporter of the Year for Online News Portal
Required to submit digital copies using the provided format (in PDF) of at most six (6) published articles within the search period. - There is no minimum or maximum number of words per story.
- Screen shots (either in PDF or JPEG) of the articles on the website are required as proofs of publication.
Entries and Submission
1. Entries must focus on (4) Sustainability Focus Areas: care for the environment, innate care for people, positive societal impact, and digital nation.
2. Entries must be aired/published/posted within the search period.
- Search period for Visayas: May 2015 to April 2016
- Search period for Mindanao: June 2015 to May 2016
3. Translations of entries in local dialects are not required. Also, no separate categories or distinction for journalists writing in Bisaya, Hiligaynon, or Chavacano-language dailies shall be made in recognition of the importance of developing these local languages as a way of strengthening national identity. The same standards of excellence shall be applied for all contenders for an award whether their works are written in English, Bisaya, Hiligaynon or Chavacano.
4. Attachments for social impact are optional. However, a major consideration shall be given to those who can present documented proofs. This may include screenshots of social media discussions and shares; references to subsequent reports and commentaries (print, radio, and blogs) arising from the entry; actions by government officials, civil society, and/or ordinary citizens; among other proofs of social impact.
5. Entrants are not allowed to submit the same entry to different categories.
6. Submit entries together with the respective requirements, the accomplished entry form/s, and a scanned copy of your ID.
Dates to Remember
- May 2015 to April 2016 – Entries (for Visayas) must be published between these dates
- March 1 to April 29, 2016 – Submission period for the Visayas
- April 29, 2016 – Deadline for submission of entries for the Visayas
- June 2015 to May 2016 – Entries (for Mindanao) must be published between these dates
- June 2015 to May 2016 – Submission period for Mindanao
- May 31, 2008 – Deadline for submission of entries for Mindanao
- September 22, 2016 – Awards night for Visayas
- November 24, 2016 – Awards night for Mindanao
For inquiries:
Globe MediaExcellence Awards
Call: (02) 730 4617 or
(032) 416 7159 Ceb
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